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Registration is closed as of this writing and only those who have already registered and paid will be admitted. Sorry, tickets will not be sold at the door. Our event will start at 5:30pm tomorrow. Some of you have asked me how to get to the venue. My recommendation is to take the red line and get off at South Station. 280 Congress St is about a 5 min walk from the station. Once you're inside, tell the front desk that you are there for the lunar new year event. Please bring a printout of your registration with you or show the registration receipt on your phone. My team and I will be manning the NAAAP table; just look for our red banner. See everyone tomorrow!  

NAAAP Boston is proud to co-host a Lunar New Year celebration with GetKonnected, a premier Boston area professional networking group, on Jan. 30th. This event will feature many prominent figures and it is not to be missed! 

The agenda is as follows:

5:30pm - 6:30pm Registration & Networking

6:35pm - 6:40pm Opening Remarks by Navjot Singh (McKinsey & Company) and Colette Phillips (Get Konnected!)

6:45pm - 6:50pm Get Konnected! 10yr Recognition

6:55pm - 7:25pm Fireside Chats

Rakhi Kumar (ESG Investment, SSGA)

Veronica Chao (The Boston Globe)

Tiffany Chan (CBS / WBZ / TV4)

7:30pm - 8:00pm Networking

 If you have any questions, please write to us at [email protected]

 Hope to see you there! 



30 Jan 2018
5:30pm - 8:00pm EST

Google Calendar

  • McKinsey & Company 280 Congress St Boston, MA 02210